Southern Indian Health Council

Web Application Accessibility Statement

Performance Health Partners is committed to ensuring all people, including those with disabilities, can access and interact with our website. We are continuing to improve access to our website by applying relevant accessibility standards and by listening to your feedback.

Accessibility Features

Accessibility features that can be found on this website include:

Technology Compatibility

Use the latest version of your web browser and assistive technology to ensure the best possible website experience. Older browsers and operating systems may not be compatible.

The Performance Health Web Application relies on CSS and JavaScript technologies to:

Accessibility Levels

To improve accessibility for people with disabilities, the World Wide Web Consortium (commonly called W3C) develops the Web Accessibility Initiative for web designers and developers. It also defines three levels of accessibility requirements: Level A, Level AA and Level AAA.

Performance Health Partners continues to evaluate ways to improve accessibility and to meet our goal of WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance. Additionally, Performance Health Partners conducts manual accessibility audits of its websites to proactively identify accessibility issues and gaps.

Third-Party Content

While using our web application, you may come across third-party resources such as embedded data visualizations and data tables. Performance Health Partners cannot guarantee that all third-party content will be compliant. Contact us to learn more about the accessibility of our third-party content.